Superglue endorsement deal in the works for John Daly.: Why would John Daly endorse Superglue? (endorsement deal story from Darren Rovell of, who covers sports business) Upcoming chat room session with Darren Rovell, Fri. Aug 2.
Glue is being used more and more to heal surface flesh wounds. I could see how this would possibly be a good marketing ploy.
posted by insomnyuk at 11:29 AM on July 26, 2002
Boy this would have really benefitted Daly back when he was drinking. I think that the glue could help him even more today. Of course, the glue would be for sniffing only.
posted by Bag Man at 11:03 AM on July 27, 2002
Is it only us Brits who find the name Otis Spunkmeyer amusing? Surely that's a made-up name. If not, he has my sympathies.
posted by squealy at 01:48 PM on July 27, 2002
Boy this would have really benefitted Daly back when he was drinking. He would have been able to super glue his beer to the back of his hand, unleash one of his prodigious drives, and then just one side for some of that malty goodness...aaaaaaahhhh! Seriously though, I love Daly. He's out there battling his demons, sometimes winning, sometimes losing, playing hard, putting two slam events under his belt (two more than Phil) and always putting on a good show.