Keith Olbermann joins Salon : with an essay about baseball, September 11, and Sex in the City
posted by kirkaracha to culture at 02:39 PM - 3 comments
Keith who? Oh yeah, that guy from ESPN, back in the mid 90s. Just kidding. But seriously, isn't that kind of like the peasant helping out the pauper? It was a decent article, though. I find it extremely ironic that players are choosing Sept. 16 as a potential strike date, when last year Sept. 17 was when they started playing again. Maybe it will be a one day strike? Either way, it really makes MLB, not baseball, look bad.
posted by insomnyuk at 03:25 PM on July 25, 2002
Olbermann is just like the star player who read his press clippings too much as a young 'un and thought he could do no wrong, and as a result is still on the radar screen long after he should have disappeared. He's a 44 year old, bad-knee having, third-strike watching, .220 hitting hack. The Minnie Minoso of journalism.
posted by vito90 at 03:46 PM on July 25, 2002
Given their respective trajectories, I wonder if he's bailing Salon out, or they're bailing him out.