England 2006 = England 1966?: Well, at least, their kit looks like it. The England team attempts to borrow some of that 1966 World Cup-winning mojo by borrowing from the strip, red jersey, white shorts and all.
posted by worldcup2002 to soccer at 02:52 PM - 18 comments
My guess, it's to signify how many World Cups won. Just like Brazil has on their logo - five stars in the middle of the globe.
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:45 PM on March 06, 2006
Yes, Germany have three stars - red, yellow and black. If they win another one what colour will the next star be - or is that question too hypothetical? World Cup winning mojo? I think 1966 was the last gasp of a fading empire. I'm just re-reading 'A Goalkeeper's History of Britain'. Fantastic stuff.
posted by owlhouse at 04:38 PM on March 06, 2006
This is England's year no last gasp in it.
posted by Goyoucolts at 04:41 PM on March 06, 2006
I hope it is Englands year, but 2 injuries to Rooney and Lampard would change it all.
posted by MattthewN at 05:24 PM on March 06, 2006
Frnace have one star Italy have three stars Argentina have two stars Uruguay should have two stars but appear to have four stars As mentioned above: Germany have three stars Brazil have five stars And England has the one star shown in wc2k2's link
posted by holden at 06:31 PM on March 06, 2006
Have Uruguay's got something to do with the gold medals from the 1924 and 1928 Olympics, which (they claim) were the world championships of the time. Or maybe the Copa America (?). And someone correct me if I'm wrong, but I recall that since 1966 England have only beaten Germany when they have worn the red 'change' strip.
posted by owlhouse at 06:35 PM on March 06, 2006
This red strip is England's away strip. It has always been red. Their home strip's white. And since this is World Cup year, what better way to make money than to introduce a new shirt?
posted by georgieB at 07:04 PM on March 06, 2006
It has always been red Euro 96 semi final. Lost on penalties to Germany. What was that hideous grey thing they were wearing? Also designed to ship Umbro kit out the door. I like red. Oh, and welcome, georgieb.
posted by owlhouse at 07:18 PM on March 06, 2006
I think if our side wins, which I realize is a huge longshot, the star on the 2008 kit would fill the entire front. With a little shield superimposed.
posted by billsaysthis at 09:49 PM on March 06, 2006
owlhouse, I'm correcting you. You were right about Euro '96 though; that was a rotten away strip. Not nearly as rotten as this, or indeed, this (1989 was a low point for the away shirt evidently), but rotten none the less. If only England could get another star for their uniform - then they'd be this cool. Dear England, Stop getting your hopes up again - it's never going to happen. Love, Everyone else
posted by JJ at 04:43 AM on March 07, 2006
The 1966 red shirt has long been available as a replica, and always sells well in World Cup years. (I've got one.) Recreating the style -- and this is a very subtle recreation, without much of the foof that usually accompanies modern strips -- is a good way to get people to buy the new one rather than the 1966 replica. And while the heavy cotton of the replica is nice, it's not always comfortable in summer. The gold numbering is fugly, though. And does it come in a long-sleeved version? That's a deal-breaker.
posted by etagloh at 05:10 AM on March 07, 2006
The 1966 red shirt has long been available as a replica, and always sells well in World Cup years. (I've got one.) Ditto. Nice isn't it? If a little heavyweight for the summer.
posted by squealy at 08:29 AM on March 07, 2006
owlhouse -- you appear to be correct about Uruguay's rationale for four stars
posted by holden at 10:17 AM on March 07, 2006
I think if our side wins I don't think we have to worry about that, bill, any more than England fans do.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 11:03 AM on March 07, 2006
I stand corrected (JJ). And also supported (holden). If a little heavyweight for the summer What kind of summer are you expecting?
posted by owlhouse at 01:58 PM on March 07, 2006
JJ said: If only England could get another star for their uniform - then they'd be this cool. I'd love for them to have two stars on their jerseys -- they could have one covering each nipple! Super awesome!
posted by worldcup2002 at 04:22 PM on March 07, 2006
What kind of summer are you expecting? Summer of '76 of course. Phew, what a scorcher!
posted by squealy at 06:41 PM on March 07, 2006
Classy. What's the significance of the star on the new jersey?