Because of two fine backhand plays by Cleveland third baseman Ken Keltner, Joe Dimaggio's 56-game hitting streak came to an end.: July 17, 1941 - 61 years ago today what some people consider an unbreakable record came to an end. As we all know by now, Ted William's .406 batting average in that same year was in most ways overshadowed by the Yankee Clipper's hit streak. What is about streaks, which require huge amounts of luck, that make them somehow more noble and notable then other accomplishments? What other streaks are out there, and do you think they will ever be broken?
Personally, I think DiMaggio's hit streak WILL be broken It's going to be difficult in today's game when you take into consideration the advent of the specialized relief pitcher. What is about streaks, which require huge amounts of luck, that make them somehow more noble and notable then other accomplishments? I don't think Dimaggio's streak was necessarily more 'noble' than Williams season. I think his resulting mvp had more to do with Dimaggio's charisma and William's cantankerous disposition.
posted by justgary at 01:05 AM on July 18, 2002
Personally, I think DiMaggio's hit streak WILL be broken, and Ichiro Suzuki might be the guy to do it. With his disdain for walks, it will take a wild outing by a pitcher or pitchers to keep himoff base.