Tell us what you really think, Keano.: Roy Keane, captain of Manchester Utd, goes on TV and calls out all his teammates who really don't make the cut. His rant gets banned from the team clubhouse. (Man Utd are going through a bit of a rough spot right now.) The Guardian follows up with Top 10 Keane Rants. Altho the stories are colorful, I can't say I blame the guy (well, except for the rant where he breaks a player's ligaments.)
posted by worldcup2002 to soccer at 09:22 AM - 8 comments
Roy Keane - a breath of fresh, hot air.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 09:50 AM on November 01, 2005
Roy Keane: Should have played rugby.
posted by StarFucker at 11:32 AM on November 01, 2005
Roy Keane he's better than Beckham.
posted by forbin10 at 11:53 AM on November 01, 2005
The funny thing is, I haven't come across a single person who disagrees with what Keane had to say. If anything, people are saying he didn't go far enough with his criticism. With Arsenal also looking a tad out of sorts, this is a fantastic opportunity for the next tier of clubs, led by Spurs to grab second place in the league. Charlton will never get a better opportunity to make the Champions League.
posted by salmacis at 12:53 PM on November 01, 2005
Who said people mellow with age? I'm waiting for him to move into management.
posted by owlhouse at 04:02 PM on November 01, 2005
Jeez, it's only been weeks since Keane was talked up as the next Ireland manager, maybe even player/manager, or the sure bet to succeed Sir Alex after next season. Odd how these rants are forgotten, until the next one.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:18 PM on November 01, 2005
Roy Keane: Should have played rugby. Or footie pre-1980. More details from Keano's blast.
posted by Texan_lost_in_NY at 09:34 AM on November 02, 2005
I have Keane's message to Halaand on a t-shirt. Roy's the player you hate when you're up against but wish he was on your team. He's right in calling out these guys, I just wished he would have included van Nistelrooy and Scholes in his rant.