Cops kick soccer fans out the door. : "We're not the grinches who stole the World Cup," said a San Francisco police captain. Yes, you are, says me.
posted by msacheson to soccer at 06:30 PM - 2 comments
Wow, what a bunch of party-poopers. Can you imagine that, your national team is playing and the police come in and break it up? Tell you what, if it had happened in our local there'd have been a fecking riot.
posted by squealy at 03:38 AM on June 25, 2002
What a bunch of assholes!
posted by StarFucker at 02:37 PM on June 25, 2002
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Wow, what a bunch of party-poopers. Can you imagine that, your national team is playing and the police come in and break it up? Tell you what, if it had happened in our local there'd have been a fecking riot.