August 30, 2005

Who Do You Want to Draft When You Grow Up?: McSweeney's darling Neal Pollack takes on America's love of fantasy sports and voracious appetite for stats at a time when ESPN is working to merge fantasy and reality. [via]

posted by yerfatma to culture at 05:58 PM - 2 comments

"Patrick is ESPN's top talent. It was as though CNN called Christiane Amanpour back from Iraq to cover a Risk tournament. Excuse me for wanting baseball highlights. I'm as susceptible to the charms of fantasy sports as any healthy American nerd-male. It's basically Dungeons & Dragons with the added attraction of getting drunk on draft day if you're in the right league."

posted by yerfatma at 06:00 PM on August 30, 2005

Nice article. I think this is one of the ways the growth of the business of sports has affected how we, as fans, consume it. Your knowledge of sports isn't just measured in statistics and history anymore - you have to know what everyone is paid too.

posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:27 AM on August 31, 2005

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