What happens when NBA GMs play fantasy basketball?: You get a convoluted 5 team 13 player trade like this one.
posted by lilnemo to basketball at 03:28 PM - 4 comments
The thing that pisses me off about this trade is that i wanted to draft Wade in fantasy bball this season . With all these ball hogs on Miami i'll have to rethink my plan.
posted by evil empire at 04:02 PM on August 05, 2005
What, they couldn't squeeze a few more GMs into the elevator while making this trade? I'm disappointed Mullin let this one slip by.
posted by billsaysthis at 04:22 PM on August 05, 2005
I started to read this trade rundown the other day and i thought to myself "Whatever. I'll figure out who went where once the season starts."
posted by rockin_the_suburbs at 06:12 PM on August 05, 2005
The Grizzlies have parted ways with Wells, Williams, and Posey, who will all command around $7 Mill a year for a few years. In exchange, they take on Eddie Jones and his $30 Mill/2 yrs. Jerry always did like Eddie, but I'm wondering whether the league would allow the Logo to use the amnesty provision on Eddie. That would be the greatest tax-cutting coup of all time!! BUMP BUM BUM!