Saunders to become the new Coach for the Pistons: Flip takes over for Larry in the Motor City. Some Say its a good fit.
posted by daddisamm to basketball at 07:07 AM - 7 comments
On SportCenter this morning, Bill Davidson, owner of the Pistons, said that he could not keep Larry Brown around any more because he's not "a good person."
posted by mayerkyl at 07:56 AM on July 21, 2005
could not keep Larry Brown around any more because he's not "a good person." Harsh! Whoa. Anyway, I was thrilled to see this. Flip got railroaded by the Wolves, and I was glad to see him land in a good situation. I just wonder how well he and Billups will get along, given that Flip never seemed too keen on Chauncey as a first-option point guard in Mpls.
posted by cobra! at 09:21 AM on July 21, 2005
I just wonder how well he and Billups will get along, given that Flip never seemed too keen on Chauncey as a first-option point guard in Mpls. I'd put the blame for that on McHale. Flip started Billups, who went on to have a solid year. Everyone wanted him back the next season, but McHale got outbid by the Pistons. It's hard to fault Flip for that.
posted by lilnemo at 11:19 AM on July 21, 2005
McHhale has made several "mistakes that effected the team. I wont even mention the "Joe Smith" incident!
posted by daddisamm at 12:00 PM on July 21, 2005
You just did. :)
posted by dusted at 03:41 PM on July 21, 2005
yea but I didnt go into the gory details! ;-)
posted by daddisamm at 04:58 PM on July 21, 2005
I am hearing this morning that Flip's lack of playoff wins will put added presure on the Pistons this year. I maintain that the blame for the T-wolves weak playoff record can be directed at Kevin McHale and the Owner and their mishandling of the talent around KG. I think that Flip will do well in Detriot. Good luck flip
posted by daddisamm at 07:12 AM on July 21, 2005