IOC Gives NYC Chance to Modify Games Plan : But this deadline, they really really mean! Looks like another opportunity to shove the stadium plan down the city's collective throat. Maybe the USOC should have picked one of the other seven candidates, instead of the sentimental choice back in 2002.
posted by graymatters to other at 06:39 PM - 3 comments
posted by JJ at 04:14 AM on June 10, 2005
The US never had a chance, period. And I mean even with a new stadium in Manhattan. Almost half of the voting delegates live in Europe, and there is very little pro-US sentiment in the world these days. In some circumstances financial considerations (profit potential for the IOC) could have tipped the scales in the US's favour, but not against Paris or London. The smart thing for the USOC would have been to no-bid for 2012 and mop up in 2016, when both Europe and Asia will be out of the running. They would have saved everybody a lot of wasted money.
posted by Amateur at 08:00 AM on June 10, 2005
While NYC was the sentimental choice, I'd object to five out of the seven on the basis that they're wretchedly, stinkin' hot in the middle of the summer. Can't we ever have the Olympics anywhere where it's moderately pleasant in the summer?