Australians find inspiration in France : The Ashes is arguably the biggest sporting event of the summer for England and Australia. There is so much history between the two countries and the biannual competition means so much to cricket fans in both countries. There's a lot riding on it for both teams, the Australians are aging but still awesome whilst the English have beaten all comers recently but haven't yet been tested by the best. This article shows an interesting way for the Australian cricket team to prepare for the contest and very different to anything you might see in the shallow world of football. If you've never watched cricket before, the Ashes is an excellent starting point.
*sound of err.. crickets*
posted by blarp at 02:58 PM on June 08, 2005
blarp: That was a wicket joke, just wicket.
posted by worldcup2002 at 03:28 PM on June 08, 2005
Dunno where you can watch it blarp, that question really has me stumped.
posted by afx237vi at 04:57 PM on June 08, 2005
afx: That was just bat, really bat.
posted by worldcup2002 at 09:38 PM on June 08, 2005
Jesus - pun-tastic, batman. It may be a silly point, but can I just say that that it's unfair to derail this thread with weak wordplay? It's just not cricket. I played last night in an inter-departmental game - in our team we had an American and a Canadian. The former was told by the captain when it was his turn to bat to "put on a box and get out to the crease." The American asked if it would be OK if instead he "put on a cup and went out to the line thingy." The Canadian bowled three consecutive wides with his first three balls - the fourth ball was slow but straight and there was much hilarity when the South African batsman, in an effort to hit the thing over the clubhouse, missed it entirely and was bowled. The look of bewilderment on the batsman's face was only matched by that of the bowler.
posted by JJ at 04:24 AM on June 09, 2005
Your story bowled me over, JJ.
posted by worldcup2002 at 10:18 AM on June 09, 2005
Any idea how an American such as myself can watch the Ashes, or cricket in general?