Real Madreadful.: The best talent in the world. The most expensive team. Rocketing revenues. But two years of sucking ass on the field -- this season, out of the Champs League, knocked out of the domestic cup by a 2nd division team, and likely to finish a poor second to Barcelona in La Liga -- finally takes its toll. Players will be sold off. According to NPR (which is where I first heard this news) and this article, older galacticos (inner circle) players like Figo, 32, and Roberto Carlos, 31, will be sold. But Beckham probably won't, even tho he has been less than great on the field; he just sells too many shirts. Where will the sold players go? They could probably still walk into the first team in any league. Also, Owen back to the EPL?
posted by worldcup2002 to soccer at 12:38 AM - 9 comments
If Flores and the guys at the top were really smart they would buy one or two young American players, like Eddie Johnson and (more likely since he's already in Europe) Damrcus Beasley. Trophies aside, the team needs to develop some marketing reach into the US and those two can keep up the necessary pace and are both young enough to develop into stars identified with RM.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:08 AM on March 16, 2005
Not to mention the American players would come at a huge discount compared to what hey have.
posted by trox at 11:11 AM on March 16, 2005
Is it all about marketing? Or have I missed something?
posted by owlhouse at 09:18 PM on March 16, 2005
Beckham was definitely not bought because of his talent...because, honestly he has very little.
posted by StarFucker at 10:40 PM on March 16, 2005
Beckham is brilliant at set-play. Not so great a midfield general (sad to think he's England skipper), lacks some pace, and not the most cerebral footballer. BUT, as I say, brilliant at set play.
posted by the red terror at 08:23 AM on March 17, 2005
Agreed about Beckham.. I've heard that ManU hasn't scored from a free kick since they got rid of him, so he obviously has some value. (Just as long as he's not taking penalty kicks..)
posted by blarp at 11:00 AM on March 17, 2005
That's most definitely not true, blarp, as I remember Giggs getting at the beginning of last year. I don't know what happened to Beckham, he used to be a skilled attacking footballer, but I think he started to believe the hype, and generally plays for the foul and free kick now. As for Real, I'm happy to see them lose. I always hate the "buy all the talent" teams.
posted by sauril at 12:19 PM on March 17, 2005
MLS turned down $5 million for Johnson from Benefica in January, which isn't Becks or even Owen money but isn't a sack of pre-shredded cheddar either.
posted by billsaysthis at 12:57 AM on March 18, 2005
They are a world class flameout. You look at the roster and it reads like "Pick O' the World" but they are massive underacheivers. The New York Rangers and Washington Redskins know all about it huge payroll and no silverware too.