Nobody cares enough to teach you the craft.: The strangeness of women's boxing: "I've been to more than a dozen women's fights since that first one, and nearly all were just like it, 45-second bloodfests. It's hard to figure what appeals to the girls who fight: You get thrown in the ring with some cretin who is trying to rip your head off, you have no idea how to defend yourself, and all the while a thousand sweaty men are shouting at you, trying to be clever about your rear end." (via aldaily)
posted by Uncle Toby to boxing at 12:20 AM - 2 comments
That's a great read. Thanks.
posted by dusted at 01:53 AM on March 11, 2005
Parts of this piece remind me of something Joyce Carol Oates wrote some years ago: "It should be kept in mind that 'boxing' and 'fighting,' though always combined in the greatest of fighters, can be entirely different and unrelated activities. . . . Hence the electrifying effect upon a typical fight crowd when a boxer's face begins to bleed." (Her On Boxing is terrific, btw.)