WRC on tequila: - Mexico Rally this weekend
I can't find a schedule, but I caught the Sweden coverage/highlights last weekend. I forget the channel. So this comment is essentially useless to you.
posted by garfield at 02:09 PM on March 09, 2005
Thanks for nuthin'.
posted by yerfatma at 04:06 PM on March 09, 2005
here's a Mitsu take on the upcoming dust-up. here's the homepage, with video of last year's event. [more video here] The new Impreza (for fans of the little blue car, here is wallpaper) will be making an appearance. You can track race progress with new real-time technology. Here's a little tid bit from Speed Channel - looks like 03/24/05 1:30 pm is broadcast date.
posted by garfield at 05:09 PM on March 09, 2005
Genius! I've been looking on the DVR under "WRC". FWIW.
posted by yerfatma at 06:51 PM on March 09, 2005
Well, the local listings for the Speed Channel suck. The Mexico coverage was on late last night, and Solberg took the victory in the brand new Impreza. There was some choice footage, as one co-pilot started telling a young driver how to drive. It was classic. "Brake, Brake!" "Stop, Stop!" "If you'd ___ing listen to me, we'd be fine. But you stopped in the middle of the ____ing road......" Basically some rookie was effing up big time with a very limited oppurtunity to drive a $750,000 automobile, and the co-pilot couldn't stand to be in the car with the way he was driving. Needless to say, the co-pilot finished that leg of the race. Another highlight was watching one of the leading cars lose a back right wheel, and then seeing the co-pilot hanging out of the driver's window, trying to balance the car, a la mototcycle side-car racing. The last bit which impressed me was seeing the 2nd place finisher removing brake pads manually. He mumbled something about going faster, which I found to be a bit of a no-brainer, given he was removing his brake pads.
posted by garfield at 12:07 PM on March 14, 2005
Can anyone find a Speedvision schedule of WRC events? I cannot find anything through Comcast's DVR.