Enough, already. : Yet another Massachusetts youth hockey dad arraigned in yet another assault.
Is this happening in other states, or is there something especially toxic about youth hockey here in the Bay State?
posted by lil_brown_bat to culture at 06:20 PM - 2 comments
I haven't heard any parent vs. coach or parent on parent stuff here in Minnesota lately, but then there was this last night on the news (not sure when it actually happened)...the article does seem to indicate that incidents of hating on the refs and other such "behaviors" are on the rise. I guess Minnesota Hockey's incident report form for officials would indicate that too. (I think the form can't be much use in reporting the incident where that incident involves other vs. other and they did other, but that is just my opinion...)
posted by chris2sy at 02:02 AM on March 02, 2005
There was some high school sports related trouble here last month, though I don't believe it was parent v. coach, though a basketball game was put off due to expectation of fights and/or riots. South of here, maybe Salinas I think. Palo Alto has had a bit of similar excitement the last few weeks--they had to shut down their awardwinning robotics team after tension between team members got so bad restraining orders were obtained and the beloved teacher took medical leave. Talk about whacky.