There are 17 different things a guy can do when he lies to give himself away: Compare and contrast two clips of Jose Canseco being interviewed on 60 Minutes.
posted by kirkaracha to baseball at 09:28 AM - 3 comments
Canseco...a lier? Shocking! Interesting article.
posted by stofer71 at 12:11 PM on February 18, 2005
Alot of people have been lieing about steroids. and many still are!
posted by daddisamm at 11:59 PM on February 18, 2005
Interesting. Too bad Walken didn't shoot Canseco after this interrogation too... This weekend on ESPN classic they replayed Game 1 of the 1988 WS and one of the cutaways/inserts was of Canseco talking about how a Tom Boswell article implicating him in the taking of steroids had hurt him and his family, was untrue, etc...but the truth was less profitable back then.
posted by chris2sy at 10:29 AM on February 18, 2005