Rafael Benitez ... has treated me like the lowest a***hole on Earth.: Don't let the door knock you on yer keister on the way out, Mr. Henchoz! This Reds fan is pretty sure Jamie Carragher's quality in the middle is the reason for your absence on the field and not some deviousness from the new manager. Have fun in the Coca-Cola Championship next season.
posted by billsaysthis to soccer at 01:53 PM - 5 comments
unless they buy someone, squealy.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:18 PM on January 01, 2005
Which will be even more urgent, and expensive, after Alonso broke his ankle today, goddamit! Doubt Biscan will be going anywhere after this latest bit of the nasty. Happy new year to us, indeed.
posted by billsaysthis at 02:31 PM on January 01, 2005
I don't get why they dropped Henchoz either. I thought he was very good.
posted by StarFucker at 10:20 PM on January 02, 2005
Maybe since Carragher beat him for the starting spot Henchoz's attitude has taken a dive...
posted by billsaysthis at 05:24 PM on January 03, 2005
Always thought Henchoz was a decent player. There was a time a while back when his central defensive partnership with Sammi Hyypia was the best in the Premiership. It doesn't really seem like a good business decision to treat him so badly he'll leave without commanding any fee. But Liverpool are one of the most arrogant set of wankers in the league so it should come as no real surprise. If Biscan is also sold as expected it leaves Liverpool with no cover at centre-back though.