Nothing like a matched set. : With a victory in super G at Lake Louise on November 28, the US Ski Team's Bode Miller made history by becoming the first American man, and one of only five men ever, to have won a World Cup race in each of the five WC events.
posted by lil_brown_bat to other at 09:13 PM - 2 comments
Miller didn't just win the downhill on Saturday either. His winning time was almost 1 second faster than second place finisher Antoine Deneriaz of France. In downhill that is an enormous amount of time. On top of that the less technical, more speed orintated course at Lake Louise was not really suited to Miller's stengths. He was simply on fire this weekend, and unless he is hurt this year I don't think he'll have any competition for the World Cup Overall title. While he has now won in all 5 disiplines I still don't think he can be compared to people like Pirmin Zurbriggen or Marc Girardelli yet. If wins the overall title, and competes at this level for a few years then you can lump him in there with the greats.
posted by camcanuck at 10:54 AM on November 29, 2004
Ok, that's it. I'm watching skiing this winter. I don't know all that much about ski racing, but Miller reminds me of the few greats (Maier, Tomba, et al) who can work their skis to generate speed in areas of the course where most others are fighting to keep an edge.