NBA Suspends Artest for Rest of Season : NEW YORK - The wrath of David Stern was unleashed, giving Ron Artest, Stephen Jackson and Jermaine O'Neal a long time — extremely long in Artest's case — to ponder the error of their ways. NBA commissioner suspended Artest for the remainder of this season Sunday and disciplined eight other members of the Pacers and Pistons, sending a strong message that the league won't tolerate the type of unprecedented violence displayed Friday night.
posted by LROD to basketball at 11:13 AM - 5 comments
I think the Punishments are really fair. Maybe Artest can get another CD plan.
posted by daddisamm at 11:42 AM on November 22, 2004
posted by DrJohnEvans at 12:02 PM on November 22, 2004
This is a bullshit, excessive penalty. Vernon Maxwell hit a fan in 1995 in the stands and got suspended for 10 games. A FAN instigated this whole thing by throwing the beer, and it turns out the guy has a long criminal record. I think a 35 game suspension plus fines and anger management would be a much more productive solution.
posted by insomnyuk at 11:57 PM on November 22, 2004
hasnt Artest been to anger management before????
posted by daddisamm at 01:40 AM on November 23, 2004
Well, I guess Artest is going to have plenty of time to work on his album now, is a shame that he only wanted a month of.