Hidden: What happens to Bernie ?: It's a long way off, but for argument's sake, what do the Yank's do with Bernie Williams if they get lucky enough to sign Carlos Beltran ? The Yankees can't afford not to try and sign Beltran, let's face it. After Vlad. G., Beltran just might be the best young outfielder in the majors and he's 26 or 27 right ? Bernie to 1st ? What to do with Giambi ? Trade him ? Who wants a 33 year old who's seems to be fading very very fast. Anyway would Williams be willing to move and if he did, could he play the position ? First is not as easy as it look's, just ask Mike Piazza or for that matter ask Giambi who plays 1st like a butcher. That said, a Yankee outfield of Sheffield, Matsui and Beltran would be the best in the majors in the last decade at least. Go get him George !!
Ugh, how obnoxious. And welcome.
posted by charlatan at 01:36 AM on October 26, 2004
nw-ny-fan. I think you're a little confused about the site. Please read the about page and the guidelines. This isn't an open discussion forum, you have to link to an external source. If you have a general question you can ask it in the lockerroom, if you want to just express your opinion without a link you can write a column. Hope that clears things up. I would email you about this but you've chosen not to list one on your user page.