Tiger to wed this week?: Tiger (roar!) to wed Elin (ROWRRRRRRR) at Sandy Lane in the Bahamas, as early as tomorrow. Well, it would be a nice end to a bad year for Tiger. Maybe he'll play better after this.
posted by worldcup2002 to golf at 01:39 PM - 11 comments
Unless it's to Butch Harmon, it won't help much :) He's #3 now.
posted by pivo at 06:47 PM on October 04, 2004
Marriage will make him happier. And as we learned with Lindsay Davenport, a happy marriage doesn't quite lend itself to being at the top of your game. He might drop out of the top ten before he pulls it back together. Which he will, I have no doubt. We'll see some articles in the Spring about "The End Of Tiger's Reign?" and the like, and then one day (after a marital argument or something, I'm sure) he'll get mad at not being the best golfer ever anymore and run off another 7-10 years of winning every major he can get his hands on.
posted by chicobangs at 02:00 AM on October 05, 2004
Kee-rist the guy is in his late twenties, still maintains his status as the benchmark for scoring, still wins (though no majors) - all without the apparent help of his driver or putter. Without an incredible all-time 7 win season out of Vijay ( a better question would be, can Vijay keep it up?)- he'd still be no. 1 in the weirdo scoring system that produces those rankings. Tigers demise is so overstated that it shouldn't bear creedence whatsoever. As for marriage being better or worse, well that strikes me as being a tad speculative. It was good for Andre Agassi for sure, but Martin Brodeur went through a messy divorce procedure in 2003 where he slept with his wife's sister, got kicked out of his house, moved in with said sister all during the playoffs and all he did was win the Cup. Each to his own, I guess. However, I do look forward to the day when Tiger finishes a tournament in second and casually blames it on the fact that as soon as his girlfriend became his wife he no longer got a decent pre-tourney blow job. Now it's all predictable and perfunctory and frankly the 'thrill is all gone.'
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 01:38 PM on October 05, 2004
Tiger's dad is really ill - the fact that he can still play as well as he can astounds me, given the circumstances. Earl doesn't seem to have much longer for this world - when he dies, I think it'd be a sensible bet to back Tiger to retain any and all world ranking positions and major titles he wants to honour his father's memory. That's maybe a bit macabre, but it's also probably true.
posted by JJ at 02:39 AM on October 06, 2004
As for the wedding - 'tis done. Sounds like quite a low key affair.
posted by JJ at 05:32 AM on October 06, 2004
"The pair met when Nordegren was working as a nanny for Swedish golfer Jesper Parnevik at the 2001 Open." How is it that an ultra-hot 25 year old model is working as a nanny? You can't tell me she couldn't have been making more $$$ as a model. Something sounds fishy here. And just look at that guest list: Barkley, Oprah, Bill Gates. Wait, let me put on my tinfoil hat. Okay that's better now, so THEY can't read my brainwaves. Tiger Woods, he's gonna retire from golf next year and replace Kofi Annan at the UN, that's what I think. Next thing you know, gold will be a MANDATORY subject at every high school in the US. Goddam golf!
posted by billsaysthis at 11:29 AM on October 06, 2004
Well, it seems obvious to me; she was Parnevik's nanny because he hangs out with a lot of rich and famous people. Modeling is fine and all, but if for whatever reason the people in the modeling biz aren't the type you want to hang with (and why would you?), you find a new clique. And she's not the type to wander down to the Regal Beagle and knock back a few pops waiting for Jack Tripper to chat her up, I'd guess. So she gets a gig where she can circulate with people befitting her station in life. She seemed to have had a plan to wind up with some professional golfer, it seems. With Tiger, she hit the jackpot. (Yes, he made out fine himself, it seems, especially considering the fact that -- well, how do you go out and score nice marriageable chicks if you're Tiger Fucking Woods?) I'm not saying she was golddigging. Not at all. But she set up a situation where something like this could happen. And it has. I'd wish them all the best of everything, but it seems they're pretty much there.
posted by chicobangs at 12:05 PM on October 06, 2004
I wish Tiger and his new bride all the best. I wish that the media would leave the man alone and let him get on with his life.
posted by daddisamm at 01:32 PM on October 06, 2004
gold will be a MANDATORY subject Sorry, that should have been "golf will be a MANDATORY subject."
posted by billsaysthis at 02:05 PM on October 06, 2004
I liked it better the first way. BLING! BLING!
posted by rocketman at 02:57 PM on October 06, 2004
Barbados, not Bahamas.