This ought to be impossible. : Tim Wakefield gives up six, count 'em, home runs in a single game -- and still gets the win. Asked to comment afterwards, Wakefield said, "I'd rather just forget about the whole thing." Smart move...
I didn't see the game; I was listening on the radio. What happened? Was the stadium filled with helium or something?
posted by lil_brown_bat to baseball at 07:22 PM - 3 comments
Strange game. A lot of deep hit balls on both sides. Wakefield just left some hanging. The homeruns I saw (Rodriguez, Monroe,Munson) in the first 2 innings all looked like batting practice pitches. My advice to the Sox is, a win is a win. Take it and return to Fenway.
posted by usfbull at 09:03 PM on August 08, 2004
When the knuckleball is off, like it was yesterday, it's a lot like throwing BP. We were lucky on two fronts: With one exception, the Tigers hit solo homeruns and our offense just wouldn't stop yesterday. I'm impressed with the infield defense and yes, a win is a win. Take it home and string together a bunch of W's.
posted by jerseygirl at 06:20 AM on August 09, 2004
He didn't have a very good knuckler. It was basically the same speed as his fastball (around 70-75 mph instead of low 60s) so he wasn't fooling anyone when he changed speeds. It was annoying because I sat down to watch the game thinking how Wakefield's only real problem this year has been the gopher ball, but Comerica doesn't yield many. So much for that. On the plus side, the Sox racked up 6 runs in an inning before the Tigers got an out (though the first hitter, Mueller, popped out to shallow center where the ball was promptly dropped for a gift double).