Crawford to the Knicks.: Isiah finally badgered Pasxon into trading Crawford & the JYD for Deke and spare parts.
posted by lilnemo to basketball at 06:47 PM - 4 comments
Hahahahahahahahahaha. Check out New York's salary situation sometime. They have zero tradable players. Marbury is locked in to 2012. Houston is locked in for a couple more years. What happens when they realize Crawford, Marbury, and Houston just ain't getting them very far??? Who wants Tim Thomas at 10min per. Isiah has screwed the Knicks through the rest of the decade. Yikes!
posted by Mike McD at 10:26 PM on August 05, 2004
I wouldn't say he has screwed them as much as ensured they'll be a 6-8 seed for a long time. Which isn't really *that* bad. But who knows. Perhaps Atlanta/Charlotte/Clippers would take a couple big contracts + draft picks, or something. I don't really see what he could do, short of either sitting on those contracts until they expire, or completely destroying the roster and becoming a 10-16 win team.
posted by chmurray at 11:12 PM on August 05, 2004
Isiah has screwed the Knicks through the rest of the decade. Since he was a Midwest player all his career prior to this gig, one wonders if IT took the Knicks job simply to screw the team over.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:22 PM on August 05, 2004
This might put a damper on the Vince to the Knicks movement. Although I would have to say that a Crawford/Fugazi Thomas package for Carter is more palatable than a Deke/Harrington/busted PF package. Would have to wait to trade Crawford, lest the Raps opt for Houston or Penny instead. I wouldn't rule out a trade by the All Star break. A Marbury/Vince backcourt. Zeke, Stern, and millions of New Yorkers would wet themselves simultaneously.