The Miracle League.: I just heard about this on local sports talk radio. I had never heard of it until now, even though it was founded in the Atlanta suburb of Conyers, and it is a pretty good story, growing exponentially in the last couple of years.
Being a former little league administrator I'm sure what they do is on the last batter of the inning he or she just keeps circling the bases until they reach the plate. Kind of like the 10th batter rule in little league baseball without the outs to get in the way of it.
posted by bluejacketsfan at 10:02 AM on July 21, 2004
They should have Selig in the stands so that after the ninth inning he can declare a tie just like the 2002 MLB All Star Game.
posted by usfbull at 01:34 PM on July 21, 2004
Saw this piece on HBO Real Sports this morning. These kids were psyched just to be included in on something.
posted by usfbull at 04:44 PM on July 22, 2004
It that first season, there were no programs to copy.�It was decided that each player would bat once each inning all players would be safe and score a run before the inning was over.�Each team and each player always wins.�Our umpire describes this as the only league where no one ever gets mad at him or her. Awesome. Every player batting each inning is pretty easy, but I'm curious how they pull off the everyone safe, everyone scores part of it. Has anyone here watched a game?