World Cup Qualifying is about to begin for the US (I know it's lost in the lead up to the European championships). They are about to say hello to the Spice Boyz!
And neither is about Euro2004.. weird.
posted by blarp at 01:16 PM on June 10, 2004
That happens tomorrow when the English (myself included) go football nuts and trample all over your beautiful forum here. Oh and then go out in the first round.
posted by BigCalm at 04:17 PM on June 10, 2004
Then we can post a hundred articles about how we we were robbed, how its all (insert scapegoat here)'s fault, etc etc. Actually, I'm oddly confident we'll beat France on Sunday. Unfortunately, the last time I was really confident England would win an important match was against Brazil...
posted by dng at 04:21 PM on June 10, 2004
Yes, but that was when you still had David "The Flapper" Seaman. Now, you have David Ja ... Oh, never mind.
posted by worldcup2002 at 04:46 PM on June 10, 2004
Club note, I still kind of miss hearing the announcers saying "No clean sheet for Seaman" though Lehmann does sort of rhyme.
posted by trox at 08:57 AM on June 11, 2004
oh, trox, that is a classic. Priceless.
posted by worldcup2002 at 10:55 AM on June 11, 2004
Arsenal fans are hard on their club too, we've just had a little less to complain about than Liverpool lately.
posted by trox at 12:02 PM on June 11, 2004
Two back-to-back soccer posts. I am adding my comment in honor of this rare and historic event.