If you have lamented that the only thing missing from a game of table football was a streaker and a chasing policeman - you are now in luck!
That's great! Thanks for lightening my otherwise crappy day. I'm sure the male streaker model is outselling the female one because there aren't very many female streakers, right? I don't really know, so that's why I ask. Somebody needs to make a Rainbow Man figure.
posted by NoMich at 10:35 AM on May 26, 2004
The best streaker I ever saw was at a nothing game between Coventry City and Derby a couple of seasons back. Both teams were playing poorly, at the wrong end of the first division. It was the Saturday before Christmas, dark, raining and freezing cold. The game looked like it was going nowhere and we were all wondering what on earth we were doing there, especially as the game was being televised. That was until a frankly beautiful blonde burst out of the east stand and ran the length of the pitch wearing nothing but a Santa hat and a smile. My memories of the event may have improved her looks somewhat – after all, what would a beautful blonde be doing at a Coventry City match?. Anyway, after her much needed contribution the game went from awful to amazing, Gary Macallister scored from a superb volley, one of the best goals I’ve ever been priveleged to witness and City went on to beat Derby 3-0. Happy days. Now, if they could get all that onto Subutteo I would replace the set I broke when I was 10!
posted by Pete at 10:46 AM on May 26, 2004
Good story, Pete!
posted by dusted at 12:06 PM on May 26, 2004
I'm curious - how does this game work? It isn't foosball, it looks just like individual little piece, like army men. And you somehow play a game with them?
posted by Bernreuther at 01:38 PM on May 26, 2004
I'd never heard of Subbuteo either. I assumed it was kind of like that vibrating (american) football game that was popular in the '60s. It's not though, it's a bit more interesting. I found a decent guide here.
posted by Jugwine at 02:33 PM on May 26, 2004
I still have my subbuteo set. Watford, West Brom, Coventry, Sunderland, Newcastle, all in their original pristine boxes. Is it me or are the bases much flatter than they used to be? Bernreuther: Basically, you flick the players. If you hit the ball (which generally made of polystyrene and about the size of the players) you get another flick. If you hit one of your opponents, it's a free kick. You can only shoot from a region similar to the NASL's 35 yard offside line. It had it's charm in the 70's but FIFA 2004 and Pro Evolution Soccer 3 have pretty much made it obsolete. Pete: Loved your streaker story. I've been to Coventry a few times and the only thing of interest I saw in all my visits was the Sky Blues losing 4-2 to Ipswich and 5-1 to Notts County in successive visits in the early 80s. I saw some bloody awful games as well, including a completely inept Cobi Jones playing for Coventry around 1995.
posted by salmacis at 04:00 PM on May 26, 2004
I went to Cov once. There were no streakers. My abiding memories are tearing the paper napkin things off the headrests on the football special; boy we were hooligans. The bloke who stuck his head out of the window in another compartment and collided with a bridge being taken off on a stretcher when we arrived. Being crocodiled to the ground. An exciting 2-2 draw. Breaking out of the crocodile on the way back to the station and being menaced by police dogs. A scary underpass. And finally, being crushed up against a plate glass window at the station by a fucking huge police horse. Those were the days.
posted by squealy at 06:19 PM on May 26, 2004
Subbutteo is awesome!
posted by StarFucker at 11:55 PM on May 26, 2004
Apparently the male streaker is outselling the woman.