An interesting, though brief, look at the behind the scenes technology of the NHL: Wired writes: "The tech-savvy [Silicon Valley] Sharks, who are now in the conference semifinals in the race for the Stanley Cup, are using a 'bench monitor' to mark, review and zoom in on plays, and make adjustments to their strategy on the fly. The device also helps illustrate 'coachable moments.'"
And they say sports aren't for geeks?
Somewhat OFFTOPIC: "..a server records the game and then wirelessly transmits the data to a tablet.." It must be the computer geek in me. Anytime I see the word 'wireless' I immedatly think about sniffing for packets. It would be cool for SJ to provide my laptop with real-time video at a hockey game. I wonder if they ever considered this. Standard 802.11b/g wireless offer little or no protection from anyone with a laptop scopping up all of their video. Either way it's really cool to see teams take advantage of this type of tech. Every team in the league has the resources to do something like this so I don't think it's an unfair advantage by any means.
posted by camcanuck at 03:27 PM on April 21, 2004
camcanuck: unless the wifi is encrypted...
posted by lew at 12:32 PM on April 23, 2004
I've wondered for a few years now why NHL coaching staffs didn't use available video technologies mor effectively. I know Hitchcock is a proponent of video coaching, creating packages for each player's specific assignment/task. But in-game illustration....thats a huge advantage. Good on them for exploiting the technology.