"Tha's all I can stands, and I can't stands no more!": Tired of being on a rebuilding team that has been rebuilding for the past 4-5 years, Dion Glover asked for his release from the Atlanta Hawks. Unsurprisingly, they obliged.
posted by lilnemo to basketball at 01:50 PM - 3 comments
Why did Glover throw away his salary for the remainder of this season when he could have the same (happy ;) release in June?
posted by billsaysthis at 05:22 PM on February 26, 2004
He wants to sign on with a team that has a chance to be in the playoffs this season. It's a dicey move considering that he has to clear waivers first, and is relying on the proposition that a playoff caliber team needs him in the first place. If he ends up playing on a "playoff team" and either contributes meaningful minutes or makes an impression on the practice floor; mission accomplished. If he doesn't play at all and manages to burn a few bridges; getting a contract this off season is going to be pretty hard. And that is saying something considering that this past off-season Glover was willing to give work-outs for teams willing to pay for his services (the Nuggets being the prime candidate). He might just end back in Atlanta all over again, thats what happened last summer. Scott Williams pulled a similar gamble. Rather than play out the string with the Suns or retire and take a Suns coaching gig he opted to be waived and sign on with the Mavs. Lindsay Hunter too.
posted by lilnemo at 06:00 PM on February 26, 2004
This isn't an earth-shattering transaction by any stretch, but merely a symptom of the current miasma that resides in the Hawks front office. Dion never was, and never will be a star in the league. He is, however, a quality guy to have on your team. A good defender, adequate scorer and moderate rebounder. A good 7th or 8th man off the bench. Teams need these kind of guys. Hopefully Dion latches on with a team that has a winning atmosphere about it (Denver maybe?). As for the Hawks, well thats one last FA to worry about. Though its hard to imagine that they wouldn't have bid farewell to Dion regardless. The only players on the salary for next season are Diaw, Crawford, Henderson, Jackson can opt-out, the team has an option on Pryzbilla. After next season the only player currently under contract will be Diaw. Excellent rebuilding plan, strip the team bare. Go for Okafor, Howard could end up being Kwame Brown.