Two promotion-chasing Indian football teams have been suspended for cheating,: after scoring an incredible 116 goals between them in their final games of the season.
Didn't they think that two separate once-a-millenium streaks happening down the stretch run of the season would draw attention? I'd love to see collusion on such a grand scale here in N.Amer. Not that I'd want such a corrupt league(s), but the fall-out would be stupendous entertainment. I could the the Penguins organization taking a few payments under the table to allow other teams to pad their stats, just in case the playoff race came down to goals scored. Oh wait, they're already doing that, for free. Here's another over the top score-fest story.
posted by garfield at 10:31 AM on February 19, 2004
I was looking for that story, garfield, but couldn't find it. Cheers.
posted by dng at 10:57 AM on February 19, 2004
i loved the part about the goalie getting upset by the booing and so just "wandered upfield". heh.
posted by owl at 12:46 PM on February 19, 2004
Who says there aren't enough goals in football?