Dugout Dollars: blogs about MLB payrolls. If you are heavy into baseball and numbers, this is your kind of blog.
posted by jasonspaceman to baseball at 01:35 PM - 3 comments
That is a great resource. Jesus the dude who runs it is a fanatic! That took some work. I bookmarked it and I'm sure it will settle many a discussion this upcoming year. Thanks spaceman.
posted by vito90 at 08:18 AM on February 06, 2004
Great link. Was looking for this very information the other day. Rotonews used to have it before they died and reemerged as the for pay Rotowire. Though I do hate sites that make me fire up IE (those team payroll tables are broke to hell in Firebird).
posted by pivo at 11:18 PM on February 07, 2004
these things always screw me up because there are names on here i've never heard of. good link though.