The great escape.: Manchester City was 3-0 down against Tottenham Spurs (and US keeper Kasey Keller) in this fourth round FA Cup tie. Then they had a man sent off. Before half-time. What did they do? "At halftime I walked off and said, "Where's the nearest job center?" [City manager] Keegan said. City came back, one man down, and beat Spurs 4-3, setting up a fifth-round derby with hated rivals Manchester United. Greatest comeback ever? This is why soccer is great. Just wish I coulda seen this. Was anyone there? Watch it on the telly? Fooker, send me a videotape!
posted by worldcup2002 to soccer at 12:39 PM - 5 comments
Correction: This is a double post. Argh. Fooker already posted this. Even so, Fooker, send me the video!
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:43 PM on February 05, 2004
WC, FSW is showing it again very early Saturday, so if you want to come down Saturday or Sunday and watch it, I'll get TiVo set up.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:05 PM on February 05, 2004
I will never get tired of this game... I should tape it. I can't believe you double posted my post!
posted by StarFucker at 05:09 PM on February 05, 2004
I can't believe they haven't removed it! bill, thanks, I have a brunch with parents of my boy's daycare buddies. Somebody send me a video!
posted by worldcup2002 at 05:07 AM on February 06, 2004
Correction: "Tottenham Hotspurs", not Tottenham Spurs. "Spurs" (just Spurs) is their nickname. Apologies to Spurs fans. Did not mean to add insult to injury.