But don't count this against us.: Kroenke Sports Enterprises plans to launch its own television network to broadcast Colorado Avalanche, Denver Nuggets and Colorado Mammoth games, The Daily Camera of Boulder reported Friday. I wonder if this revenue would be premissable in the NHL CBA negotiations? Hmmm.
bill, I was just citing a recent example of Pro Sports ownership dipping into the cable market, which is becoming quite prevalent around the country/world. The issue is that for all intensive porpoises, these entities are part of a larger business organism. I could be wrong, but this 'separate entities' model is currently being employed by NHL ownership, from what I can gather from the intermittent press releases by the NHLPA, in order to hide revenue that is being generated by the content of said cable networks, i.e the team(s). And I don't like it. And neither does the NHLPA, which holds the same position as I do on this issue; the owners are not being completely forthcoming with their analysis of the NHL economic picture. By the way, I'm not saying everything is coming up roses for the owners, but I think these revenues are an important part of the puzzle, and hopefully Kroenke Sports Enterprises includes this asset when at the bargaining table. [/perpetually skeptical of big business]
posted by garfield at 01:54 PM on January 31, 2004
perpetually skeptical of big business Hard to argue with that.
posted by billsaysthis at 05:54 PM on January 31, 2004
this revenue would be premissable That was probably a typo, but with all the pessimism about there not being a 2004-05 season maybe the Avalanche should be able to pre-miss it. But seriously, teams owned by a media conglomerate (like the Angels, Braves, Cubs, or Yankees), are able to sell the broadcast rights for teams' games to themselves at below-market rates, effectively shifting income from one corporation to another.
posted by Steve-o at 12:58 PM on February 02, 2004
garfield, nowhere does the linked article mention the revenue not counting, where did you get that from?