May 24, 2024

NCAA signs off on deal that would pay student-athletes: A tentative agreement announced Thursday by the NCAA and the country’s five biggest conferences to a series of antitrust lawsuits could direct millions of dollars directly to athletes as soon as fall 2025.

posted by NoMich to culture at 01:06 PM - 2 comments

There will be no NCAA In a few years, they have let the portal go out of control, their leadership are not qualified and Collages are ready to revolt. Nope, no future, no hope for a self destructive NCAA.

posted by ic23b at 07:54 PM on May 24, 2024

the NCAA is out. The gateway has gotten out of hand in just a few years, the leadership is unqualified, and the Collages are preparing for a revolt. Absolutely not! The NCAA has no redeeming qualities and has no future. candy clicker

posted by henrykang at 03:41 AM on June 17, 2024

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