Eddie Griffin accused of Assault.: Eddie went AWOL a few days back, and no one was sure why. There was some discussion that their were "personal matters" involved. Today it appears that he may have beaten and then shot a woman. Their are conflicting details at this point. Are the two, Eddie's no-show, and now the accused assault related?
posted by lilnemo to basketball at 04:47 PM - 11 comments
Are the two, Eddie's no-show, and now the accused assault related? Are the participants in SpoFi now frontline reporters--okay, wfrazer is but not in Houston--so how would any of us know? Seriously, what is it that you expect us to discuss lilnemo?
posted by billsaysthis at 10:18 PM on October 25, 2003
I saw the headline, and thought of the comedian.
posted by garfield at 10:20 AM on October 26, 2003
SportsCrimeFilter - i think we need it. What's weird is that Griffin could have done all this, and Kobe would STILL get more press. I mean, Jason Richardson's girlfriend-beating exploits went pretty much unremarked, Glenn Robinson and Penny Hardaway's gun-waving at girlfriends did too, but when a household name like Kobe or Kidd does something? suddenly the world is falling apart.
posted by Cormac at 10:45 PM on October 26, 2003
Well - JRich and Eddie aren't the superstars that Kobe is. Though the severity of the crime can tip the editorial mandate in your favour - just ask Ray Carruth. Why do these guys sefl-destruct so oftern? Is it that we hear about more, or that they're doing things like this more? Griffin has nearly blown all of his opportunities - this may be the last straw. I was just reading about his 'wasted talent' not more than a week ago.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 08:23 AM on October 27, 2003
Seriously, what is it that you expect us to discuss?
An opinion would be good. Cormac and Weedy didn't seem to have trouble throwing in their two bits. A great deal of the sports crimes that go "reported" involve "stars" and get a lot of play in the media. Generally because these stories saturate the news so completely we cowtow to their postings because it's "important" or "popular".
The point is, even scrubs beat, rape, kill, or go streaking. I thought the interesting points of this particularly story had to do with the fact that no one seems to know where the hell Eddie is! That Eddie is in a contract year. That Eddie stood to have a significant role on the Rockets this year. That the Rockets traded their entire 2001 draft for him, and yet he's seemingly let them down. That the players the Nets got for Eddie helped get them to the Finals while Eddie has yet to have an impact on the Rockets. Gee, there is some stuff here isn't there? Do I really need to pose a question for you all to opine on in each post? C'mon we're big boys here right? And how many sports-crime posts have I made exactly? Some are bound to come in bunches. So just roll with the punches. :)
posted by lilnemo at 11:43 AM on October 27, 2003
Are the two, Eddie's no-show, and now the accused assault related? That was your initial question and I would still like to know how you expect an answer from one of us. If you waited a few days, when more information is likely to be available, and posed the more philosophical questions, I wouldn't quibble. But that's not what you did. Cormac and Weedy didn't address the topic of our post, but simply took an angle. As far as scrubs versus stars, I think the level of media attention is quite consistent across domains; stories involving bigger actors or corporate chieftains get more press than their 'scrubs' too. We live in what some have called an attention economy and I wouldn't expect much else unless the level of the crime is such that it outweighs the level of celebrity; for instance, the Laci Peterson murder would probably be treated much the same if Scott Peterson were, say, a utility infielder for the A's.
posted by billsaysthis at 01:03 PM on October 27, 2003
Laci Peterson murder would probably be treated much the same if Scott Peterson were, say, a utility infielder for the A's.
Agreed. I would still like to know how you expect an answer from one of us.
In short. I don't. Just a musing more than a question. Though I should have made that more obvious. I'll take that into consideration when I post. Thanks for the comments.
posted by lilnemo at 02:12 PM on October 27, 2003
SportsFilter: Breeding hatred to improve the conversation!
posted by billsaysthis at 04:13 PM on October 27, 2003
SpoFi: We get a stick in our ass whenever we don't like what you post! :)
posted by lilnemo at 05:07 PM on October 27, 2003
SportsFilter: We get a stick in our ass whenever you call us SpoFi.
posted by billsaysthis at 06:52 PM on October 27, 2003
From the story: Police received a call from a woman before dawn Saturday, saying Griffin assaulted her, Wright said. Griffin later called police to say somebody had broken into his house. Police arrived and a woman said Griffin had been downstairs talking and "beat the woman up and shot at her,'' Wright said. He said all police knew about a gun being fired was what the woman told them. At face this doesn't look good. What's more strange is that Eddie hasn't been found yet. Though there's no warrant for his arrest, yet.