Nike builds a 36 meter long by 18 meter high Swoosh monument: in a partnership with the city of Vienna, which will also see the Karlsplatz, one of the city's main squares, renamed to Nikeplatz. ... [Flash link, more inside]
Wow. Anyone that shoves it up Phil Knight's child-laboring ass gets my vote of approval.
posted by wfrazerjr at 09:59 PM on October 14, 2003
This was a hoax? Wow, good job, dudes and dudettes.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:24 PM on October 14, 2003
smithers, I missed this post last week....fucking right on!
posted by garfield at 04:54 PM on October 21, 2003
Of course (?), the entire campaign is a hoax, perpetrated by the art collective 0100101110101101.ORG (I first found out about the hoax via Lying Media Bastards). Tangentially-sports-related question: can the Nike brand be too powerful?