He's been called "Mean old uncle Frank" here at SportsFilter, but I really enjoy Frank Deford's bits on NPR's Morning Edition. Today's piece was on baseball curses. I'd never heard of the "Curse of the Colonel," but Deford thinks Osaka's fate is tied into Boston's and Chicago's. So here's the good news for Red Sox fans and Yankee haters everywhere.
posted by danostuporstar to baseball at 12:36 PM - 2 comments
Who wouldn't want to see the Cubs play the Red Sox in the World Series Me. I wanna see the Sox play the New Britain Rock Cats or someone in the Series. That way it's unlikely they'll lose. And if they do, we'll know for sure about the existence of a curse.
posted by yerfatma at 10:38 AM on September 25, 2003
Wouldn't this give hope to the Cubs as well. Who wouldn't want to see the Cubs play the Red Sox in the World Series (excepting the sure fact that the world would end in the bottom of the ninth of game 7).