"Harder, Daddy, harder'' : I suppose being ass-slapped on the radio isn't very empowering, but its more empowered than not being heard on the radio, right? Not to diss the lib movement, and maybe there is a point for little girls not to hear about their hero/role model getting spanked, but this seems over-the-top/way-far-right to me.
OK. Here's why I have an opinion on this. Not because it's the WNBA, and not because of Sue Bird, and not because it's in Seattle. It's because of that no-talent ass-clown, hectoring dickhead Mitch Levy who is the jock that made the wager with her. This guy...why does this guy have a job with a sports radio station? I am foaming at the mouth right now. KJR in Seattle, I tell you, you would be hard pressed to find a big city with a worse 24 hour sports radio station, and Mitch is the worst culprit. He doesn't discuss sports, he only discusses women, and always in an unflattering, misogynistic light. It is my fervent hope that this wakes up the KJR execs that they need to turn their radio station around and it begins with the dismissal of Mitch Levy. Sportsfilter needs to start a radio station to save me from KJR. I KNOW this kind of promo is harmless, but I HATE IT and it belongs on Stern, not on a sports show.
posted by vito90 at 10:39 AM on July 22, 2003
Vito, I think you have enough sports knowledge, you ought to make a demo tape and try to take this assclown's job.
posted by billsaysthis at 11:25 AM on July 22, 2003
Thanks, billsaysthis, that's a nice thing to say...it would never happen because I'm not enough of a self-promoter, and that is what KJR values (evidently) above all else... Some of you familiar with Salt Lake City and/or the Utah Jazz might recognize this jackhole, who was allegedly fired because Karl Malone wanted him fired. He is cut from the same cloth as Levy. He has quite a bit of sports knowledge (and is actually the play-by-play guy for the Storm) but he is much, much more interested in talking about himself on the radio than about sports.
posted by vito90 at 11:30 AM on July 22, 2003
Yeah, but does it make you want to watch WNBA ball? Just a bad idea all round for everyone except Mr. Spanky there. Doesn't exactly elevate the sport to respectful heights, or sell tickets. Sue sounds like she's just trying to get a little publicity for her team, but didn't use a lot of judgement. However, it is damn funny - that it happened, not the actual bet itself, which would sound awkward and mysoginist if it came to be. I suppose a 'losing team fellates the contest winners' promotion wouldn't work either. Sigh.
posted by WeedyMcSmokey at 11:45 AM on July 22, 2003
Look, all I'm saying is that it wouldn't be all bad.
posted by dusted at 12:25 PM on July 22, 2003
That would have been the first and only time I would have tuned in to any media broadcast related to the WNBA, EVER.
posted by insomnyuk at 11:29 PM on July 22, 2003
What kind of idiot makes a wager like this? And, more to the point, what kind of idiot would accept it?
posted by salmacis at 05:28 AM on July 23, 2003
Err, if I get to spank Sue Bird, I think I might take a shot on that bet.
posted by wfrazerjr at 10:32 AM on July 23, 2003
I think this is a growing trend in sports-talk radio, the shift to more of a frat-boy/"Man Show"/Maxim magazine type of a sensibility. The stations are trying to attract that coveted 18-35 male demographic, and they apparently figure ratcheting up the raunch is a good way of accomplishing that.
posted by Motown Mike at 10:41 AM on July 28, 2003
Dumb player. Could've easily made a bet that was win-win (give to local charity or buy tickets to Storm, something like that) but did the sleazy Howard Stern thing instead. WHo does she think she is, some stupid E-list bimbo gunning for a career in some Sunset Blvd strip joint? Dumb.