That slide by Fielder was awful- had he slid a bit further out he'd have made it- but far, far, far worse was the decision to send him at all; with no outs a man on second and third, a team scores on average 2+ runs that inning. With a man on second and one out, they score on average about .7 runs.
Other fun facts: the team returning home for game 3 knotted at 1-1 tends to win the series 57% of the team; the team returning home down 0-2 tends to lose 81% of the time.
Gene Lamont, the third base coach, should know the scoring odds backwards and forwards- what else are they spending their time on- and in a 0-0 game early on, why make the first out at home? Since the Tigers ended up losing 2-0, that one incredibly stupid decision to send Fielder may have cost the Tigers the game, and possibly the series.
posted by hincandenza at 12:15 AM on October 26, 2012
That slide by Fielder was awful- had he slid a bit further out he'd have made it- but far, far, far worse was the decision to send him at all; with no outs a man on second and third, a team scores on average 2+ runs that inning. With a man on second and one out, they score on average about .7 runs.
Other fun facts: the team returning home for game 3 knotted at 1-1 tends to win the series 57% of the team; the team returning home down 0-2 tends to lose 81% of the time.
Gene Lamont, the third base coach, should know the scoring odds backwards and forwards- what else are they spending their time on- and in a 0-0 game early on, why make the first out at home? Since the Tigers ended up losing 2-0, that one incredibly stupid decision to send Fielder may have cost the Tigers the game, and possibly the series.