No Relief in Sight: Tom Verducci asks if baseball's approach to closers makes any sense.
"The modern specialized bullpen does no better job protecting leads than the pitching usage that preceded it."
Isn't it the truth ... I have watched so many leads evaporate in the 7th and 8th innings. Remember the 2- and 3-inning saves?
I believe the reduction in innings through pitch counts also affects starters ... how often did Nolan Ryan or Steve Carlton break down as they threw 270-300 innings a year? They paced themselves; now clubs want a starter who can through 95-plus for 6 innings; anything more is a bonus yet, I think (I'm not a doctor) results in a strain on the arm and shoulder.
posted by jjzucal at 06:23 PM on April 17, 2012
Pairs nicely with Jonah Keri's Blowing Up Baseball's Most Dangerous Stat.