It came from the message boards!: Interesting article about how influential message boards have become in sports
How come they don't mention us? Bastards. I use the Rivals boards in the UK and whilst they can be very juvenile you do pick up on some rumours before they become "common currency" (Michael Owen/Mark Bosnich scandals anyone?) and transfer talk that turns out later to be the case. It's also the only way I can get tickets for in-demand games, for example I would never have got to the play-off finals last year without friends I'd made there. The boards definitely have a place in sports even if it's only for idling-away your work hours in a sports-related manner.
posted by squealy at 03:35 PM on May 21, 2003
Oh Squealy, man, like the monkey eventually typing a coherent sentence, or the stopped clock being right twice a day, there is so much shit posted on rivals boards some of it is going to end up being right by accident!
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:46 PM on May 21, 2003
Whoops too quick with the finger again, I meant to post this.
posted by Fat Buddha at 03:47 PM on May 21, 2003
Funny article. 10th circle of hell, indeed. It reminded me of that time I was visiting a friend in Vancouver and saw Pavel Bure en flagrante delicto in the back seat of a Ferrari with a high-heeled, long-legged beauty with a adam's apple the size of a hockey puck...anybody know anything about that?