Two-handed-bowler-wows-way-to-state-title: Is this a lefty or a righty? You gotta see his form, but it's a winner.
He's certainly within the rules, and there's a lot more of this than is publicized, though barely any have much luck with accuracy.
I don't know what the oil pattern was at this tournament, but my guess would be that he doesn't score as well on drier patterns. I would be interested in finding out what types of equipment he carries, or how he adjusts to different patterns. He obviously knows what he's doing, even if he shot a bunch of 300's on a house shot.
posted by kcfan4life at 08:50 AM on February 23, 2011
fta: ...while ignoring all unwanted technical advice sent their way.
This isn't Nam. There are rules.
That is a rather unique way to bowl, or would some say unfair advantage as he gets power from the left arm while providing direction with his right?