Q&A with Marv Albert: "Is it true that when doctors woke you from your car accident last April and asked if you knew what season it was, you answered 'baseball?'"
posted by kirkaracha to culture at 08:46 AM - 3 comments
SI: Marv, what color panties are you wearing right now? Marv: Well, this is a pink lacy number I picked up at Victoria Secret's, I really like the cut in the back, see here how the fabric disappears into my hairy ass crack? Hey I kid, because I love Marv Albert. And I kid, because he is in fact a man who likes the feel of panties. On himself.
posted by vito90 at 12:17 PM on May 08, 2003
That is just ... well, I'll just have to skip lunch today. ;-p
posted by worldcup2002 at 12:24 PM on May 08, 2003
I'm sorry, but I still can't see Marv without thinking of him gnawing on some woman ... :P