Marcus Jordan Costs College Team Endorsement : Adidas has cancelled their contract with the University of Central Florida's basketball program over Jordan's refusal to wear their shoes. Jordan instead appeared on the court for Wednesday's game in his father's trademark Air Jordans.
posted by Tinman to basketball at 11:13 AM - 11 comments
If he's not that good, why couldn't Adidas just let this slide? This seems like worse press than letting son-of-Jordan where his dad's shoes.
posted by tron7 at 11:21 AM on November 06, 2009
adidas ends their contract with UCF. Nike starts a new one. Marcus gets to wear the shoes that has made his pop a gadzillionaire. Everyone is happy.
posted by bperk at 11:24 AM on November 06, 2009
The only kicker there bperk is that there has been no mention of Nike wanting the contract. Nike DID just pick up Florida State, but not UCF.
posted by Tinman at 11:42 AM on November 06, 2009
Evidently keeping Marcus is more important to UCF than the Adidas contract. For what reason? Who knows. A make-up revenue stream from somewhere else is the likely answer. I don't think this is about anything other than $$$.
posted by lab at 11:53 AM on November 06, 2009
The only kicker there bperk is that there has been no mention of Nike wanting the contract. Nike DID just pick up Florida State, but not UCF.
Nike couldn't really do anything until adidas ended their contractual relationship. I see no reason why Nike wouldn't do it. And, I don't believe Nike just picked up FSU. They have had a contractual relationship for a long, long time.
posted by bperk at 12:30 PM on November 06, 2009
You're right bperk. It was the unveiling of the new FSU uniforms provided by Nike that I was reading about.
posted by Tinman at 12:44 PM on November 06, 2009
Rest assured Nike and UCF will have a contract very soon, Michael will make sure of this.
posted by tarheelfan7711 at 01:33 PM on November 06, 2009
Seems amazingly petty move by Adidas. How many players have shoe lines named for their dads?
posted by billsaysthis at 02:04 PM on November 06, 2009
Let's say that Nike does step in with a new contract. What are they going to do if one of the players refuses to wear Nike and insists on wearing Adidas? Or do you have to have the last name of Jordan to be allowed to flick your finger at the school?
posted by graymatters at 02:27 PM on November 06, 2009
Very much the point I was making graymatters.
posted by Tinman at 04:16 PM on November 06, 2009
Does Marcus Jordan warrant the loss of millions of dollars in endorsements? The scouting reports I've read would seem to indicate: no.