Mosley being "urged" to stand for re-election.: Just days after agreeing to step down as part of the FOTA/FIA agreement, Max Mosley, for at least the second time in his career of ruining motorsport, has done a u-turn and now says he's being urged to run again. (He actually hinted he would less than a day after the agreement.) Probably urged by the same mysterious people who "supported" him during the nazi whore scandal he should never have survived.
posted by Drood to auto racing at 04:38 PM - 15 comments
The man is a two faced weasel. I mean it clearly said that him stepping down was part of the agreement. The instant the ink has dried he goes back on it.
Though in fairness it's hard to have much sympathy for FOTA. If they were naive enough to believe the slippery little shit would do as he said, they clearly have the governance they deserve.
posted by Drood at 05:02 PM on June 28, 2009
This is the kind of thing that gives the Mosley family a bad name.
posted by owlhouse at 05:03 PM on June 28, 2009
I don't follow Formula 1 all that much, but this is as riveting a shitstorm as I've seen in sports management in the past few years. Here's hoping Mosley does not run again.
posted by Joey Michaels at 05:35 PM on June 28, 2009
Not sure how to respond to that Owl, but I hope I'm taking it the right way when I say...
If you read up on Max he is a very VERY strange individual. Read this long article a couple of years ago. It mentioned how his wife has not been seen in public since the early 90's. I imagined she's in pieces in a bathtub of acid in his basement. And this was BEFORE the nazi whores.
If I can dig up the link I'll post it as it's a fascinating read.
posted by Drood at 05:39 PM on June 28, 2009
Joey: Yes, it is rather. I've always enjoyed the political scuffles of F1, but even to this hardcore fan it's starting to wear thin, to the point where today the thought actually crossed my mind "If Mosley stays on, I'm not going to watch F1 anymore." Haven't felt that way about the sport since the darkest of the Schumacher years and Ferrari rigging races etc...
Given the major deaths this week, not that I'd wish death on (most) people, but if Max suddenly dropped dead, I don't imagine there being too many tears shed from anyone.
posted by Drood at 05:57 PM on June 28, 2009
This circus act is getting old. Thanks to Max and Bernie there is no longer F1 in my continent which happens to be one of the biggest markets for the car makers. The greed of Bernie and the ego of Max have almost taken the enjoyment of the spectacle that was F1. I hope he does not stand for re-election and we can get rid of Bernie soon as well.
posted by soocher at 06:49 PM on June 28, 2009
Yep. No Canada and no US on the calendar. US I can understand as America by and large doesn't give a shit about cars that turn right. But Canada always did really well, so losing Montreal really sucked.
And a US event shouldn't have been at Indy I think. Watkins or somewhere like that would be more traditional.
As for Bernie, well the Grim Reaper will take care of him soon enough. He's in his late 70's now. The problem is there is no clear line of succession because the fact is he never owned the rights to F1 in the first place, he just sort of took them and the teams let him.
As for Max... God, I have no idea. Twice now he's said he was going to step down and didn't. He should never have survived the nazi whore thing last year, but the guy has a remarkable talent for bouncing on shit and coming up smelling of roses.
I mean really, this boils down to "They said bad things about me, so I'm sticking around." The guy doesn't care at all for the sport (not just F1. WRC is in fairly bad shape from what I've heard.) He only cares about his his own position and power, and everyone and everything else be damned.
He's Nero, fiddling as Rome burns.
posted by Drood at 08:05 PM on June 28, 2009
I mean really, this boils down to "They said bad things about me, so I'm sticking around."
Nah, I'm betting he agreed to stand down so that the teams would call off their plans long enough that they couldn't get a series running for 2010, then give them the old "Fuck you."
(not just F1. WRC is in fairly bad shape from what I've heard.)
WRC is in bad shape in no small part due to it being treated as a hostile competitor to F1.
posted by rodgerd at 09:33 PM on June 28, 2009
Used to follow WRC but haven't in many years now.
It's like Mosley was sent to destroy motorsport.
posted by Drood at 10:14 PM on June 28, 2009
You know a better headline would have been if I'd said "Mosley urged on by imaginary friends".
posted by Drood at 12:44 AM on June 29, 2009
He should never have survived the nazi whore thing last year, but the guy has a remarkable talent for bouncing on shit and coming up smelling of roses.
It sounds like he bounces off the shit, continues to smell like shit, and then gets some sort of variation on the Midas touch in which everything he touches turns to shit.
posted by Joey Michaels at 12:54 AM on June 29, 2009
HAHAHA! I like that:)
posted by Drood at 02:48 AM on June 29, 2009
FIA: Fucking up International Auto racing.
posted by Drood at 02:43 PM on June 29, 2009
My translation: "My iddy-widdy feelings have been hurt so now I want to stamp my feet and scream until somebody says sorry."