Bushies v. Barry Bonds: I know this is political-leaning, but it is an interesting view of the Bonds case.
Here's another piece that gets at the government's abuse of power in this case.
posted by holden at 04:53 PM on March 06, 2009
From holden's article:
And since U.S. attorney general Eric Holder and President Obama have said leaguesnot governmentsshould police steroids, Novitzky's crusade will likely end. And that leaves a question for the rest of us to ask: Was it really worth it?
No. What's the point? I've never been as enraged as the most of the country seems to be about steroids but I can't beleive the government is still spending money on this. Judicial stimulus plan I guess.
posted by tron7 at 07:03 PM on March 06, 2009
"testimony from Bonds's ex-mistress that dwelled more on testicles than test results"
How very alliterative. There's a country song in there someplace.
posted by bobfoot at 08:28 PM on March 06, 2009
I have a title, but I'll leave them alone.
posted by jjzucal at 12:14 AM on March 07, 2009
Oh, what the hell, bobfoot -- how about "They're So Blue?"
posted by jjzucal at 01:04 PM on March 07, 2009
"Don't it make my brown balls bluuuue..."
posted by bobfoot at 09:13 PM on March 07, 2009
I don't want to go off on a political rant, but can anyone tell me why Bush and co. haven't been brought up on charges yet? When you are sworn in as president, aren't you bound to defending the Constitution, not side-stepping and flatout ignoring it when it proves inconvenient to your plans?
posted by MeatSaber at 10:27 PM on March 07, 2009
I've never been as enraged as the most of the country seems to be about steroids...
Seems to be is the key word here. I know that I'm in the small percentile but when I ask people about baseball and steriods in sports-related conversations, they don't seem to care at all and I agree with that. I honestly do not care what these athletes do to their bodies in order to prolong their careers. People seem to put too much emphasis on these "hallowed" records when in fact the time these records originally started, blacks weren't allowed to play against whites hence the Negro League was created. Now, should the records that the white pro baseball players gained while the black ball players were excluded, count?
Ty Cobb is considered to be the greatest hitter of his generation but he was a flat-out racist and an accused murderer but he was still loved by the suits in MLB and became a Hall of Famer in 1936. For the baseball Hall of Fame to claim that a player must be some sort of boy scout in order to be selected is laughable considering that some of the "All-Time Greats" that are in would be kicked out the sport if they did half the things today that were reported in those days.
posted by BornIcon at 03:02 PM on March 09, 2009
Great post. I'm not much for politics but I had to read this bit of information concerning the Bonds trial. To see how low the government would go in order to try to incarcerate Bonds is ludicrous. If you can't find evidence, do whatever is needed in order to get that evidence...? Wha?!!? I thought we lived in the land of the free?