Kerry Wood and Cubs Parting Ways: The Cubs all but said goodbye to their closer Thursday, announcing they wouldn't give him a multiyear contract and wishing him well in his free agency endeavors. He's about to become a much richer man.
This is bittersweet if you're a Cub fan and have followed Wood's career for 14 years (when he's been active during that span). It appears at first glance that both sides are being professional about this without any of the typical drama, which is a relief. I wanted Kerry to finish his career as a Cub but I'm happy to see him continue to have a career elsewhere. He'll be a good addition to a pitching staff that wants a warrior, albeit a somewhat broken down warrior.
It's great when your team signs an ironman who stays healthy throughout his career but it says a lot when a guy goes through the kind of injuries Wood had and comes back to produce in a totally different role. Wdminott, have you pitched pro ball? Do you know what it's like to throw in the mid 90s with a blister on your throwing hand? He would have been a total liability if they put him back on the mound before it was healed.
Wood is a consummate pro. Read this...
"I just don't think it was the right time for the team and the things they need to address," Wood said. "Obviously, the first choice was to stay here, and I would've done just about anything to stay here. They have other issues and a very capable guy to get the job done."
That's class.
posted by bluesdog at 05:41 PM on November 14, 2008
Yeah, I don't really see the Cubs as being at fault here. As the story points out, they stuck by him all these years, with his various injuries, and he showed last year he probably has something left for the next few years. He'll wind up making a good bit of money with another team, I'm sure. If Eric Gagne can be in high demand, Wood shouldn't have any problem at all.
posted by dyams at 05:43 PM on November 14, 2008
Kerry Wood is such a pussy, he was out for a MONTH with a frickin' blister on his finger. I say Good Riddance, go injure your ribs in some other team's hot tub !!
So, you'd rather have him come back in a week, be unable to grip his curveball correctly and get beaten around the field?
The whole issue with blisters isn't pain, it's with being an effective pitcher. If you can't grip the ball correctly, you're not going to be able to save games.
posted by dfleming at 01:17 PM on November 15, 2008
Having played baseball on the east coast, where you only play approximately half a year, that was always one of my biggest worries, whether I'd develop blisters on my throwing hand/fingers. It makes you absolutely unable to throw pitches correctly or effectively. Anyone who doubts it's a problem, especially at the major league level, has no idea what they are talking about.
posted by dyams at 02:16 PM on November 15, 2008
Anyone who doubts it's a problem, especially at the major league level, has no idea what they are talking about.
Totally agree. I had a blister on my index finger one year. I could throw fine (veolcity was there), however it was really hard to get any consistency on a breaking ball at all. I was reduced to fastballs and changeups for a month.
At the major league level, this would be unacceptable and you'd end up sitting out due to performance.
posted by dfleming at 02:42 PM on November 15, 2008
Kerry Wood is such a pussy, he was out for a MONTH with a frickin' blister on his finger. I say Good Riddance, go injure your ribs in some other team's hot tub !!