Shaq's toe is getting better. : Allen Iverson's is not, nor is Cassel's . Jason Williams missed 8 games with ingrown toenails. Camby and Hakeem have had toe trouble as well. In a sport that has a synergistic and symbiotic relationship with the marketing and retailing of excessively expensive sneakers are these foot injuries a potential black eye? Some researchers claim that the shoes that some players wear can contribute to the injuries. Are the latest crop of shoes producing toe trouble?
posted by srboisvert to basketball at 12:06 PM - 2 comments
The epidemic of foot injuries is pretty weird, but unless all the shoe companies recenltly adopted especially shoddy manufacturing techniques or bad designs, it seems like a fluke to me. What do Shaq and Bill Murray have in common? Big Toe trouble.
posted by kirkaracha at 02:09 PM on February 19, 2002
For $200 a pop the shoes better not mess up your feet. Hey, maybe NBA stars really are having the $$$ problems they claimed they had during the hold out a few years ago. Let's donate some nail clippers to our stars, no?