June 01, 2006

US Paintball Championships: Paintball

As some of you may know, the US Paintball Championships were recently aired on ESPN 2. As an avid paintball fan, I thought that this was excellent for the sport. I think that many people have now gotten a better idea about what paintball is about, and that it is not a bunch of guys running around in the woods with guns. What I do not understand is why parents do not want their kids or themselves to try paintball. I mean, statistically, it is a much safer sport than any contact sport. When played with the proper equipment, paintball is a game that boosts teamwork and communication, and is always a good way to bring people closer togther. Well, you ask, what about when it is not played with the proper equipment? When you do not play paintball with the proper equipment it becomes like any other contact sport that is played without the proper equipment. When my friends and I used to play football after-school, people got hurt; sometimes seriously. Like broken cheek and hip seriously. People will find, however, that it is very rarely that you will find a paintball player playing without a mask. I myself have never heard or witnessed this, and the worst injury I have every seen in a paintball game was a sprained ankle. Your kids try spinach right? So why not let them try something that can strengthen themselves and their relationship with you?

posted by roscowilly to at 03:15 PM - 0 comments

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