A man who gave us a few pretty good fights : is off to jail. Riddick Bowe fought a couple good wars with Evander Holyfield. But after his brief moment in the sun he couldn't seem to do too much right. Now he's off to jail for abduction. Wonder how well he can still defend himself?
Thanks Fat Buddha...I had no idea that Berbick was that unsound. I remember a few of his fights...the Tyson one for sure.
posted by vito90 at 03:03 PM on January 17, 2003
It is sad, Buddha. Bowe is one of those guys who was never a great fighter in terms of talent, but worked himself into the title. It's just a damn shame more of these guys can't hang on and enjoy the fruits of their work. It begs the question: because an inordinate number of boxers end up in these sorts of situations, is there something mentally wrong with their makeup before they set foot in the ring, or does having their heads repeatedly smashed for a living do it to them?
posted by wfrazerjr at 03:27 PM on January 17, 2003
The plan failed when he pulled over at a Virginia eatery to satisfy his famous craving for junk food - his wife escaped and raised the alarm. Priceless
posted by Bag Man at 02:18 PM on January 18, 2003
Dunno why, I always think it sad when boxers end up in straightened circumstances, maybe because of the courage and dignity they must show to get into the ring in the first place. It is the noblest and most savage of sports. Trevor Berbick, who finally persuaded Ali to give it up is another who is not enjoying the best of times.