The Ultimate Sports Road Trip: led two single Western, NY men to 121 teams, 102 venues, 49 cities and 4 sports. But wait, they are not done ... with new venues opening this year and a trip in the works to see the 2006 World Cup in Germany, the trip is looking more 'ultimate' as time goes on. Not every part of this experience has been favorable, visit their bad and the ugly stories of visits gone sour.
posted by jasonspaceman to culture at 07:56 AM - 6 comments
What are "Western, NY men?" From west New York? I thought it was usually called Upstate.
posted by Justin Slotman at 10:08 AM on January 08, 2003
Justin, it depends on who you talk to. To me, it is Western, NY. It seems like all of NY except for NYC is called 'upstate.'
posted by jasonspaceman at 10:18 AM on January 08, 2003
"Upstate" is generally a term used by people in the NYC area to describe any part of the state that is not either the NYC area or Long Island. However, people who live "Upstate" generally divide the state up a little more than that: Western New York is the area around Buffalo and to the south; Central New York is the area right around Syracuse; Rochester heads the Genessee River Valley; and so on, including the Finger Lakes Region, the Southern Tier, the Catskills Region, The Adirondack Region, etc. New York is a pretty big state, remember. One can drive from Buffalo to Cleveland and back in less time than it takes to drive from Buffalo to NYC, one way.
posted by Jaquandor at 12:53 PM on January 08, 2003
Thank you, I feel less ignorant now.
posted by Justin Slotman at 01:35 PM on January 08, 2003
Oswego here... I think all the NYC people are wrong :) Buffalo's western, Syracuse is Central, Watertown and Potsdam - Northern. Then the rest is downstate. And it's all freakin cold! (I want to go back to Cali) That's a damn cool roadtrip.
posted by Bernreuther at 04:05 PM on January 08, 2003
What a thrill to see two fellow Buffalonians doing something great like this. Nice link. (Even though I'm in Syracuse now....)